There’s also a desktop version if you’re more of the laptop-on-lap-on-couch kind of dater. This free dating app is great for local Asian dating because its swipe-based matching is based on where you are. Set your preferred distance (e.g., 10, 20, or 50 miles) and age range, upload some high-resolution photos, and get to chatting. Pairs is one of the most popular dating app in Japan. Coming from the same company that owns Tinder and OkCupid, Pairs has one specialty that the other two don’t: it doesn’t have an English version. So Pairs was made only for Japanese. Besides looking for a partner, you can practice Japanese through this app too. Man used gay dating app to steal from foreigners. A 29-year-old man who picked up gay foreigners on dating apps and slept with them in hotel rooms has been charged with stealing from his 'lovers.

Are you a single and Gay hoping to find a likeminded individual? You have come to right place. I have put together the top ten Gay Dating Apps in 2017 that actually work. Read on to find your special someone today.Dating was never easy, be you gay or straight, this tricky land mine of a thing has always been one of the hardest parts of finding someone. Specially, if you are gay, it gets harder to meet likeminded people, because well, sexual orientation is not stamped on people’s forehead now is it guys? But, recently there have been pretty successful apps in function that caters to Gay Dating, bringing together a directory full of single people looking to find their partner.Before we dive right in to the bare bones of the list, I would like to just say that we are not affiliated in form with these App companies and receive no form of handouts in cash or kind to promote them. So, feel free to go through our Editor’s Choice of the 10 Best Gay Dating Apps in 2017.Gay Dating AppsPlatformOk CupidAndroid/iOSGrindrAndroid/iOSHornetAndroid/iOSZooskAndroid/iOSScruffAndroid/iOSHERAndroid/iOSU2niteAndroid/iOSBumbleAndroid/iOSTinderAndroid/iOSElite SinglesAndroid/iOS

OK Cupid

This app makes the first on our list, because this is such an all inclusive App that also comes in the form of a website. They have a whooping number of users from all sexual orientations making it not just safe but an authentic place to meet a single gay man or woman of your choice.Being a state of the art app, like most dating apps, a user needs to log in and register through their social media apps like Facebook and Istagram. Even if the app’s user interface can be a little lengthy yet, because of its authentic active users this is one of the safest places for you to find your partner in like.Gay Dating App To Meet ForeignersThe small thumbnail size picture for a user on the app can be a little weird for a user but you can always click on ‘View in Large’ to get a better look of your potential partner. This App caters so well to so many different people that being Gay and having a hard time to find someone who is on the same boat has gotten easier.This App is available for IOS and Andriod users.


If you are queer, bi-curious, gay, and bisexual and happen to be a man, then Gridr is the app that is developed only for you. This main is aimed at gay men and has picked up quite the reputation of being pretty successful.This app has five million active users over 196 countries. Created with a geo-location pattern, this app matches you with single gay men within your location. Like Facebook, they indicate whether a user is online or not and you can just scroll through profiles till you have met your partner or at least found someone interesting.


With over 10 million gay members as active users, this app is the second largest site dedicated to gay relationships on the internet. May it be serious or casual, you are sure to find people with similar likes and dislikes in their directory.Over 18 million profile sign ups from cities like Houston, New York, L.A, and this app is catered for gay men looking for a connection. This app is user friendly and easy to connect with, as all you need is a social media account. It is a safe place to find what you are looking for and now it also comes in a desktop version.So it does not matter what device you may be on, this app is for everyone. Available on IOS and Andriod, this is one of those smart apps for Gay dating that actually gets you authentic results.Also Check Best Hookup Apps for getting laid


Gay Dating App To Meet ForeignersGay Dating App To Meet ForeignersThis app has a large database of active users, making it a very friendly option if you are gay, because chances are that you will meet someone with your suit. With 40 Million users this app will ask you to fill in a short survey when you are registering so they can find the right fit for you.

More expats in China are using dating apps to diversify their social circles and romantic options. Photo: IC

It was 11 pm on a Saturday night, and Jeff, a European expat who has been living in Beijing for five years, was just back from a party where he met a lot of new people, both foreigners and Chinese. Still, though, he felt just a little bit empty, a little bit restless, and so he logged onto Tantan, a Chinese dating app similar to Tinder, that he has been using for the past year.
He started swiping through prospective partners' pictures and limited profiles, which include information like age, zodiac sign and occupation. Swiping left means you do not like the person, right means you do. Left, left, and then, 'Oh, this girl is pretty. She's got a nice smile,' he said to himself, and swiped right. It was a match, which meant the girl also liked him. 'Hi, how are you?' he typed.
According to Jeff's profile on Tantan, 5,166 girls have liked him over the past year, which translates to 5,166 chances to meet new girls online. In that time, he's achieved 1,196 matches, which meant that he and 1,196 girls liked each other.
Chinese dating apps have been seeing growing popularity among expats living in China, in part because many foreigners' social circles are largely limited to other expats, and these apps give them the chance to meet and date locals. Among the most popular apps, both for Chinese and foreign singles, are Tantan, Momo and Skouts.
Sun Yang, a public relations director from Momo, told Metropolitan that they have seen more expats using their dating app over the past few years, though they didn't have any statistics detailing their number of foreign users.
Another dating app, Tantan, didn't reply to Metropolitan's calls as of press date, but according to Metropolitan's count, it contains around one expat user for every 10 Chinese users in expat-heavy neighborhoods like Guomao and Sanlitun.
Milo Gonzales, a Beijing-based relationship counselor from the US, said that dating apps are a quicker and easier way to meet new people for expats.
'It gives people the opportunity to talk and communicate to see if they have the same interests, and if their general viewpoints click before they meet in person to see if they are right for each other,' he said.

Women from the West and from China generally take different approaches to dating when using dating apps in China. Photo: IC

Some believe that relationships that start through dating apps tend to be more shallow since users are more focused on appearances. Photo: IC

Gay Dating App To Meet Foreigners Near Me

The good and bad of cross-cultural dating
What Jeff likes about dating apps is how easy it is to find and meet pretty local girls. In real life, many expats work so much that they have only limited time to socialize, and when they do, according to Jeff, they mostly hang out with other expats.
'Dating apps help break that invisible boundary between expats and locals,' he said.
That has indeed been the case for the two male expats who talked to Metropolitan, both of whom have noticed they are more popular on Chinese dating apps than they are on apps in their home countries.
A case in point is Bruce from the UK, who has only been using Tantan for one month but has already received 236 matches.
'In the UK, when I use Tinder, I usually get 20 to 30 matches tops, because there are fewer girls who swipe right for me than in China.'
Another difference, according to Bruce, is that in the UK, it is usually guys who start the conversation and do the work to try and impress and win over the girls.
'In China, I feel the girls are more keen to meet with me and impress me. Chinese girls don't have arrogance is the best way to explain it, I guess.'
In his experience, Chinese girls on Tantan usually start conversations by asking where he comes from and what he does in Beijing, before asking for his WeChat, and then if he wants to meet up.
'But I think it's too quick,' Bruce said. So far, he has met two girls through Tantan.
Andrew, a Brit in Beijing who's been using Chinese dating apps for five months, says he quickly discovered that while women in the West generally start out chatting about shared interests, Chinese women are more likely to ask about his job and future plans.
He recalls one Chinese girl who, after a single date, began planning their wedding and future together in China.
'I understand that in China, some girls are facing pressure to get married before a certain age, which drives them to want to get serious faster in relationships,' said Andrew.
Another source of culture shock for expats is unrealistic expectations.
Shim Bo-kyung (pseudonym), a 24-year-old student from South Korea, said he often gets the impression that his Chinese dates like to imagine him as being just as rich and handsome as the characters from South Korean TV series.
'Some of my online dates would call me Oppa (Korean for 'older brother,' a term of endearment sometimes used for boyfriends) in a coquettish way just like in South Korean TV series, even though they are older than me, which just freaks me out,' he said.
'Some of them also assume that I am rich, even though I am just a student who works part time,' he said.
Shim added that some Chinese girls have even asked if he comes from a wealthy family like in the famous South Korean TV series The Heirs.
Flings vs serious relationships
Although dating apps have made it easier to meet more people, the relationships formed are often short-lived and shallow, because they were based in the first place on little more than appearances.
'With dating apps, people check out one another's pictures very quickly, and if they think you're attractive, that's it,' Jeff said. 'Most don't even look at the information you've written down.'
Gonzales said that, according to his observations, most guys who use dating apps are more interested in casual relationships, because so many apps are geared at hooking up.
Other expats have different intentions, and use dating apps more to meet locals, learn the language and deepen their understanding of China.
Bruce, for example, wanted to make new friends and maybe find someone who wanted to learn English and could teach him Chinese at the same time. As a result, he met a 19-year-old student who wants to study in the UK, and they've been meeting up to do a language and culture exchange.
Erika, a 22-year-old student from South Korea, has similar intentions to Bruce.
'I'm not looking for the love of my life on dating apps. I use them more for the sake of having different experiences and expanding my world view. By meeting more people from different backgrounds and careers, I've learned a lot about interacting with different kinds of people. I've learned how to start and carry a conversation, to alleviate awkward tension and to listen to others' stories,' Erika said.
She said the best experiences are when you hit it off with someone, and end up talking endlessly.
She recalls one guy she met, who works at an IT company, with whom she had a great conversation about philosophy and life. He also expressed interest in making Korean friends, since his work and social environment is exclusively Chinese.
'I've been surprised to see how eager most people are to interact with foreigners; it's just that they usually have few chances to do so,' Erika said. 'I think Chinese guys are more willing to start conversations with expat girls on apps than they are in real life.'

Newspaper headline: Swipe right for love

Gay Dating App To Meet Foreigners Online