Social media is one of the most important contributions of modern technology. Today, almost every person has a virtual social life that is almost as vibrant, if not more, than their real social lives. It is no longer only just Facebook, which is undoubtedly one of the most prolific and widespread social media websites there is in the world right now; there are a multitude of other social media websites and apps that have taken over the internet. While most of the world is hooked on those communicative websites, the rest of the world, and in many cases, those very people hooked on social media, are well aware of the dangers these websites pose. In this article, let us talk about how social media has influenced our lives.

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To begin with, social media is one of the most important sources of information. Today, every news that is seen on the internet and in the news networks is immediately shared by thousands of people over social networks, and it takes seconds for a piece news to reach all corners of the earth. We are able to know about earthquakes happening in Japan and Haiti while we are sitting in a small corner of Kolkata, and we know what concerts are being held in Los Angeles when we are sitting in a small province in rural China. Thanks to social network, we have truly become a global community that can share in each other’s triumphs and tribulations.

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Social media is one of the most important sources of communication for all of us. Today, we are even more connected through social media than we are through phone calls and messages. And, thanks to the fact that most of us use smartphones, we can stay connected on the go through social media. It is much less expensive than phone calls, and it enables us to stay connected with people from far and wide all the time. When people share updates about their lives on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, we get to know what they are doing, where they are enjoying tier holidays, and even what they are eating. Social media has enabled us to communicate visually, which enables us to take an active part in each other’s lives.

Voicing our opinion

Social media is today being hailed as a platform for voicing our opinion. We can tell people what we are feeling about certain things that are happening all around us through social media websites. Facebook and Twitter are today filled with news items from all across the world that provoke us to express outrage or makes us clap in approval, and we can do both on the global platform that is social media. We can tell people that we approve certain measures taken by the government, and we can criticize actions and events taken by governments and individuals and communities. The ability to stay anonymous if you choose is a great advantage of social media if used in the right way, and this enables may people to express their opinions who would otherwise be at risk if they were seen expressing themselves.

Social change

Social media is not just a platform for empty expressions. This is a great platform for bringing about social change. When a significant section of the society expresses disapproval against something, or hails something as an important change for the betterment of the society, it forces the government or the ruling authority to rethink its decisions. The people of a community find a platform for protest in social media, and as a definite method of forcing the government to listen to their demands. People are being made more aware of what is happening in the world, and of the consequences of certain measures taken by the ruling or governing bodies.

Platform for talent

Not everyone has the ability to showcase their talents through agents and prodders, as that costs a lot of money. Social media has enabled people to let the world know of their talents through sharing videos of themselves on social media. Sites like YouTube are filled with recordings of extremely talented singers, actors, makeup artists, and painters. It is a very positive platform for budding artists to expose their talents to the world, gain constructive criticism and feedback, and in the process improve their performance.

Social media is not just a platform for sharing updates about yourself with the rest of your community. Even though it began as a way to engage in conversations and staying in touch with relatives and friends living in different parts of the world, today social media has grown to encompass a lot more than that. It is one of the most influential media in the globe today, with billions of people interacting with each other and sharing their opinions. For the first time in history, this is a platform that has truly brought people together.

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We lived in the digital modern era where internet has become an important part of our lives. Internet later produces social media. Social media is nothing new since it has existed way before the modern era. Older generations know the early stage of social media such as MySpace, Yahoo Messenger, or Friendster. As time goes by, social media evolves to what they are today.

As much as we depend on the internet, social media has equal part in our lives. It’s almost impossible for modern not to have Facebook account at the very least. It shows how social media has penetrated through every layer of the society. Everyone enjoy using the social media service.

But what are the effects of social media on Islam?

Social Media Definition

It would be a long narration to talk about the effects of social media, particularly in Islam. The main reason why people use social media would be how they are able to communicate with others throughout the world, no matter in which part they are. People make friends everyday in social media, even exchanging information as well as doing business.

Positive Effects of Social Media on Islam

Firstly, let’s talk about the positive effects of social media in our lives. Social media is the fruits of knowledge people learn.

1. Da’wah Becomes Easier

The biggest advantage of social media for Islam is da’wah now becomes a lot easier. Muslims are able to spread knowledge and beliefs to one another through social media. It’s very common for modern Muslims to stream da’wah on Youtube and other apps so that they increase knowledge about Islam every other day.

Also read: Importance of Da’wah in Islam

2. Islam is More Widely Known

Because of social media, Islam is more and more widely known throughout the world. Everyone knows all about Islam and its history. Not only it’s important for non Muslims, but Muslims themselves feel the benefit of social media.

3. Connecting to Distant Families and Friends

The main reason why people use social media is for them to stay connected with distant families and friends. As it’s hard to see them everyday, social media is the answer to tie kinship, one of the many noble act in Islam.

Also read: How to Treat a Family in Islam

4. As a Medium to Increase Knowledge

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We can make use of social media to increase our knowledge. There are many things we can learn from social media such as doing business, learning new languages or new skills. It’s hugely advantageous as long as we use it in positive ways.

5. As a Good Source of Information

Not only connecting people, information are also shared in social media. So that we know what happen in the other side of the world in real time. It increases awareness, sympathy, and unity especially when a nature disaster or other bad things happen.

Also read: Obligations of Seeking Knowledge in Islam


6. A Way to Spread Islam

In the past, Muslims has to come across the world to spread Islam. But with the emerge of social media, spreading Islam is now easier. Social media provide us anything we need to spread Islam worldwide.

7. Clearing the Misunderstanding About Islam

The misunderstanding about Islam can be cleared through social media. People are able to access many positive contents about Islam and from there, their wrong impression about Islam will be cleared.

Negative Effects of Social Media on Islam

Beside all of the positive things internet and social media bring us, there comes the negative effects too. To avoid the negative influence of social media, we must use it wisely. Here are some of the negativity of social media.

1. Social Media is Addictive

People use social media all the time. They are online every hours just to see what’s the latest things going on, While it’s positive in some ways, it got us addicted us well. We barely let go of our phone and it’s like we couldn’t live without getting into social media everyday.


2. Create Distant with Others

Social media connecting the distant while disconnecting us with the surrounding. How could it not be, people are so focused on their smartphone, chatting with some other friends who are far away but do not pay attention of what happen near them. It’s very ironic.

Also read: Laws of Answering Salaam in Social Media

3. Make Muslims Forget Their Obligation

The worst effect of social media addiction is that we forget our obligation. We have so much fun using the social media that we doesn’t realize how much time has passed. We don’t know that we miss the time for obligatory prayer. Nothing worse can be.

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“Satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of Satan. Unquestionably, the party of Satan – they will be the losers.” (Al-Mujadila : 19)

4. Cause Misunderstanding About Islam

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Da’wah is easier because of social media, but misunderstanding about Islam is also easily spread through it. We can’t deny that there are many abusive and terrorist incident are connected to Islam by some irresponsible persons at it created a horrible image about our religion.

Also read: Virtues of Telling The Truth in Islam

5. Causing Fight Among Muslims

Disharmony caused by social media can also happen within Muslims. Social media is the place where hatred is spread everywhere so we must be careful not to be trapped in one of those.

6. Many Inappropriate Content

Not only positive things, negativity are also spread in social media. There are many inappropriate content we could access. It’s why we should use social media in a good way.

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As a good Muslim, we should using the social media wisely. Especially after we become aware of all the effects of social media on Islam. Let’s make the use of social media in a positive way and leave all the negative effects behind. Modernity should make our lives better, not the other way.