More and more men have realized that so many Asian women are irresistible, yet a lot of men dating Asian women often encounter some confusion in this regard, so I’ve decided to write this beneficial guide about dating Asian women.

There is a lot to cover but this will get you started on the right path.

The Guide to Dating Asian Women

Listen up and take notes:

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Understand that every Asian woman is different, although there are two major categories

Asian women often fall into two categories: Home grown Asian women and western Asian women.

Home grown Asian women were born and brought up in Asian countries such as China, Korea and Japan, so these women are more likely to be respectful and timid – their upbringing made them more feminine and traditional.

Western Asian women only look like Asian, but in fact, their personality and character traits are probably just western. Yet since their parents may have strict rules at home, western Asian women are still well-mannered.

That being said, you still shouldn’t consider all home grown Asian women to be the same in this category, nor should you consider all western Asian women to be the same, because this Asian woman and that Asian woman can be as different as an apple and a pear!

Asian women need connection and respect

At the bottom of most Asian women’s hearts, they believe in fairy tales, which means they like romantic feelings; therefore, you need to focus on the connection between you two.

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For example, she will like you more if you can do the following: A.) Take her to see romantic movies and tell her that being with her is more romantic than those movies; B.) Go to see the New Year’s Eve fireworks display and tell her that you hope you two can see this again in 2056; C.) If you met her for the first time on 16th January, celebrate 16th of each month by doing something special with her together.

Also, although Asian women are probably more timid than western women, they still require your respect. So you should respect Asian women’s background and culture.

This is psychology: everyone wants to be liked! That means you need to show Asian women that you genuinely like them.

If you make them feel that you like them simply because they are Asian, I can almost guarantee that they will run away if they are smart (this is because Asian women want to be liked for who they really are, not for their race!)

Apparently, an Asian woman needs to know that you like her because of her looks, her intelligence and her personality. She doesn’t want you to like her just because she is Asian!


Therefore, if you like her because of some wrong reasons, that’s lack of respect in her opinion.

Eliminate stereotypes

Dating Asian women isn’t easy. It doesn’t matter if you are meeting them in person or finding them online (check out our list of the best sites for meeting asian women for more info) If your girlfriend is Asian, people around you may judge her due to their own stereotypes such as “Asian women only want your money” and “Asian women only want visas/green cards”.

Of course, some Asian women do want green cards/visas and money only, but this certainly doesn’t apply to all of them!

In fact, if you have watched the TV show “Devious Maids”, you can see those Hispanic women also want money and visas/green cards! And some East European women and Middle Eastern women are looking for money and visas/green cards too!

That means getting visas/green cards and money via marrying a western man may happen to any race, not only Asian women.

To clarify this: anyone who doesn’t have a visa/green card or money might be interested in getting these by marrying a western spouse.

To further clarify this: if a home grown Asian woman is living in a western country, she will need to get visa/green cards (provided she wants to live in the western country in the long term), and there are many ways to get visa/green cards, e.g. she can work hard for that via skilled immigration; she can invest in a business in a western country; etc. Marrying a western man is only one way to do it.

I know many home grown Asian women who got visas/green cards by themselves: they study hard and work incredibly hard; they build their own businesses in western countries; and so on.

I also know many home grown Asian women who got visas/green cards via marrying western men, but the visa is only a by-product of the marriage, because the motive was to be with the person she is in love with. So naturally, she will need the visa/green card to live with her husband forever. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that.

But if you notice that her motive is to get a visa/green card, then you must leave the relationship as quickly as you can, because she has a wrong reason to be with you. If the relationship is not based on love, sooner or later, there will be drama and problems.

In other words, her motive is much more important.

Most Asian women like ambitious men

Yes, it’s true that most Asian women like ambitious men. This is because Asian women are actually quite ambitious themselves!

A lot of Asian women, especially Chinese women, have very high standards for themselves, so they are always eager to learn something new all the time.

I’m not saying you should be ambitious like Steve Jobs in order to get Asian women. What I’m saying is: You need to have a certain level of ambition in order to attract Asian women.

For instance, you need to have a vision and a plan for your future. Talking about your goals with your Asian girlfriend is incredibly attractive in her eyes.

Here is something that you may want to know before dating Asian women: In many Asian countries, not everyone is equal, which means there is a hierarchy in the society. In a way, it’s good, because this system motivates people to work hard from a young age.

A lot of home grown Asian women have understood the importance of education and hard work since they were in primary school, because their parents and teachers told them that if they study hard, they will go to universities and eventually will have a better destiny. That is true in Asia.

However, if you have lived in a western country all your life, you are very lucky to see everyone is equal in western countries. That probably explains why kids at schools in western countries are not studying hard – they know everyone is equal and no matter what kind of job they will have in future, life is going to be fine, because the government will look after everybody anyway.

But in Asian countries, their governments do not necessarily look after everybody, so everyone needs to work hard to look after themselves!

No wonder Asian women are hardworking and value education. Of course, they like ambitious and hardworking men.

Interestingly, nowadays, entrepreneurship is considered to be sexy! So if you happen to be an entrepreneur, congratulations, Asian women already think you are cool.

Understand Asian women’s values

Not all Asian women share the same values, but there are some values that are considered to be important in most Asian women’s value systems. These important values are: family, education, wealth and connection.

You don’t need to have exactly the same values like hers, but you need to make sure that at least your values and her values are compatible.

Of course, if you have the same values like hers, your relationship with her will be awesome and can stand the test of time.

But if your values and her values are not compatible at all, there will be a lot of conflicts in the relationships, which results in pain and drama in the long run. So you should identify your value system and her value system early in the relationship, and then you can make a decision.

This is how to identify her value system: On your first date, instead of exchanging boring facts, you should ask questions like “Why do you want to be a teacher/nurse/accountant?”

Why she is doing what she does is way more important than her job itself, because the reason why she is doing her job shows her values.

Similarly, you can also ask her, “Why do you like Keanu Reeves’ movies?” She may answer, “Because I like adventures and how hot he is in those movies. Also, Keanu Reeves is a very kind and generous person, and I like that.” – This answer also shows her values: experience, sensuality and kindness.

Remember to keep asking more “why” questions which will reveal her values.

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An Asian woman’s appearance may not match her age

It is a fact that Asian women generally look younger than their biological age.

That’s partly because the Asian skin doesn’t have wrinkles early, and partly because most Asian women know how to look after their skin very well.

I have visited many female clients’ homes. No offense, here is my finding: in a typical western woman’s bathroom, I saw at least 5 lipsticks, various makeup and fragrances, but skin-care products are quite limited; however, in a typical Asian woman’s bathroom, I saw many more skin-care products than makeup.

Many Asian women’s hobby is to read skin-care products’ reviews online and buy skin-care products all the time – this may sound bizarre, but in some ways, it’s good, as Asian women are eager to look after their skin and maintain their youthful body. (You certainly want your girlfriend to be good-looking, don’t you?)

Because an Asian woman’s age is pretty hard to guess, dating Asian women is sometimes like a myth – you never know how old she is, so don’t assume she is 22 years old, please!

I know some Asian women are already grandmas, but they still look like 30-year-old ladies!

My very honest advice is: You need to know how old she is early on, because Asian women usually experience menopause earlier than Caucasian women (this happens quite often, but it’s certainly not a rule.) That means Asian women probably experience menopause when they are 50 years old, whereas Caucasian women probably experience menopause when they are 53 (not a big difference, but it’s still helpful to know.)

The reason you need to know this difference is: it’s probably better if you date a younger Asian woman, because she won’t become a dry biscuit too soon when it comes to sex!

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How to have better sex with Asian women

Certainly, every Asian woman is different in the bedroom, but I’d like to show you three typical types of Asian women in the bedroom so that you can have an understanding of what you should expect in terms of sex.

* Incredibly hot and talented Asian lovers: These Asian women make love like sex goddesses – their bodies are flexible; they don’t get tired quickly; they just love having sex all the time. Because Asian women are less likely to be obese, their bodies function better in bed.

* Thoughtful and considerate Asian lovers: These Asian women want to make you happy in the bedroom – they are always trying to figure out how to satisfy you! Their goal is to give you the ultimate pleasure! They were taught to serve their partner! They think it’s very important to know sex tips and tricks so that they can become the only woman you want!

Single Asian Female Dating

* “Dead fish” Asian lovers: The term “dead fish” comes from the Chinese language – it means a woman who doesn’t participate actively in sex – she is the passive lover; she doesn’t really do anything; she thinks it’s your job to have sex with her; she only offers her vagina and that’s all.

You should know which type your Asian girl belongs to early on, so that you can avoid the “dead fish” Asian women!

How do you know which type she is? Yes, you wouldn’t know unless you have had sex with her! Therefore, you should have sex with her early (but not too early)!

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Don’t expect an Asian woman to have sex with you on the first date. Try to initiate sex after a few weeks, please.

Be direct and dominant

Because most home grown Asian women are shy and timid, you should be a direct and dominant man. That will surely help you.

Own your desire. This makes you attractive.

Make her feel that you physically want her, and don’t be apologetic.

I’m not encouraging you to have sex with her without her consent. What I’m trying to say is: Your Asian woman needs to know you are a manly man.

By Jade Seashell (contributor), author of “A Seductress’ Confession: How to leverage beauty and savor tantalizing pleasure”

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