How to change location on Tinder - the only easy and reliable way for iPhone, Android. There's a lot of discussion online about fake location on Tinder. There used to be several apps that could change your location. That way, you could see and swipe people anywhere you wanted (and they would see and swipe you too). For firefox For Chrome. The add-on is not available for Chrome yet but stay tuned, it's coming soon! UnblurTinder is a small project by two french fellas who know it can be a hassle to get matches as a guy on Tinder. Change Tinder Location ️. Change your Tinder location to anywhere in the world for free. Planning a trip? Why not start auto swiping there now. This doesn't just let you auto swipe in any location, it also sets your geolocation to that area. So it'll say that you're only miles/kilometers away. Much like the previous Tinder hack that showed how to quickly unblur Tinder images, we’re once again going to use Google Chrome and right-click on the webpage that shows you people on Tinder that have liked you. If you don’t have Tinder Gold, these images will be blurred out, until we use this little Tinder hack. With 55 billion matches to date, Tinder® is the world’s most popular dating app, making it the place to meet new people.


  • Which payment methods do you support?

    Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Diners Club), PayPal, SEPA, SOFORT, Bank Transfer
  • Which cryptocurrencies do you accept as payment?

    Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, Horizen, ZCash
  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any point in time. There are no restrictions or limitations to do so.
  • Do you have a Money back guarantee?

    Absolutely, within 30 days you can get a refund with no questions asked.
  • Do you log my payment information on your system?

    No. All payments are handled by external payment providers, and we do not log any personal information about you when you proceed with a payment. There is no way to connect your payment information to your VPN usage. You will always be anonymous with, even if you use a credit card.
  • Do you provide discounts if I pay for a longer period?

    Absolutely! For those that pay for a longer duration in advance, we offer attractive discounts.
  • Can I extend my existing account with the discount?

    Yes, to make sure we credit the plan to your account, you have the option to login during the checkout process. If you purchase a new plan, your existing plan will be extended and the next billing date adjusted.


  • Does a VPN influence my internet speed?

    No, usually an unencrypted connection is as fast as an encrypted VPN connection. There might be some cases that a specific VPN protocol throttles your speed, but this scenario is most often connected to insufficient performance of your computer or bad routing to our location. We give our best to provide enough resources.
  • Does your VPN work with BitTorrent clients?

    Yes, we do not limit or throttle your Torrent speed. You can enjoy the best speed if you enable dynamic port-forwarding and bind your VPN client with our SOCKS proxy to the VPN connection.
  • Are VPNs legal to use?

    Yes, the usage of a VPN is completely legal. It is your right to protect and encrypt your Internet connection and not to leave traces at every corner of the Internet. You use a cover for your letters, so why should everyone be able to track your traffic?
  • Do you limit Premium accounts? Do you have a fair-use policy?

    We do not limit our premium users in any way. They can use as much bandwidth as they want. There is no fair use policy: you always get what you paid for!
  • Can I use your service to bypass ISP’s data caps?

    Our VPN service works on top of your current Internet connection, so we do require that you have a healthy amount of Internet quota while using our service to avoid any additional speed reduction or interruptions to the service caused by your ISP.

Dating during a global pandemic is the definition of “it’s complicated”. Between the screen fatigue and social distancing, meeting someone in today’s world feels impossible. Yet, people are still finding ways to connect through dating apps.

Like lots of apps, what users might not realize is the amount of personal information revealed when using these services. Information like your sexual orientation, location data, what high school you went to, and even your pet’s name, can be sold to third-party companies or used to target users with ads. This practice is known as surveillance capitalism, and its implications go beyond ads. Last year Grindr, Tinder, and OkCupid got into hot water for sneaky privacy practices that included the sale of personal data.

We wondered how are people navigating the dating landscape while still being privacy-aware? To find out, we spoke to four different singles* — Veronica (28), Jake (30), Sofia (41), and Vickie (26) — to get first-hand accounts.

Tell us about your experience using dating apps. How has Covid specifically impacted your experience?

Jake: I’ve relied pretty heavily on dating apps, especially Hinge, sometimes Bumble. I’ve done Tinder before but I’m not a huge fan. Covid hasn’t really changed my usage of the apps. The one thing that’s been nice to come out of this is the Zoom dating. I’ve really leaned into it because it’s a good opportunity to meet someone without having take time out of your day to meet somebody and then have it not work.

Sofia: I met the most amazing people on Tinder and I’m still friends with a lot of them. All of my best dates were people I found on Tinder. It’s also cool because it shows you your connections [via Facebook], so you can see your mutual connections of friends. So the people I would end up meeting, half of them were already connected to me in some way, they were friends of someone cool I knew.

Vickie: As a pansexual person, I find that I don’t really match with a lot of women and I don’t know why that is. My best friend is also pansexual and she tells me the same thing. All my dates have been with men so far and I do like men too, but I definitely would like to open it up.

According to an MTV Insights study, about 84% of women on dating apps are concerned about stranger danger. What are your thoughts on this and what steps do you take to protect yourself?

Sofia: I’d always tell my guy friends where I was going and who I was meeting. So they would look out for me. Also, I tried not to put myself in a situation where I’d be meeting them in a non-public place.

Vickie: I protect myself by always meeting dates in public settings and also if I’m looking to hook up with somebody, I have them send a photo of themselves beforehand. That way, you know the person’s real and it’s not a catfish. I also like that Tinder has the setting where you can connect your Instagram but it doesn’t reveal what your Instagram handle is.

Pro Tip: Don’t want to use your real email to sign up for a dating app? Use Firefox relay. This service creates multiple fake email aliases that are tied to your actual email account. Messages are automatically forwarded to your real inbox and your accounts stay protected.

Many apps allow you to make your profile private or add more security features if you upgrade to their paid service. How does that make you feel?

Veronica: It’s obviously problematic to have privacy be something that you pay for because safety should be the number one concern for any app. I’m from a big city so I can’t afford to pay for these dating apps because I already pay so much in rent here.

Jake: They kind of have you by the arm a little bit because they know if you want to meet people then that’s really the only option. I would expect how these apps handle our data will be changed by legislation, similar to how Europe has GDPR and California has CCPA. I don’t anticipate anything changing without some sort of kick in the ass from legislation.

Sofia: Oh I would’ve used that if it was available when I was using it. Women have to pay extra for a lot of things in general. I mean, it sucks, but then it’s like we generally pay extra for so much. It’s a pay to play economy. Like travel, everything is a premium these days. If you want convenience and security, you have to pay extra. It sucks, I wish it was free, but it’s become the norm now.

Besides making these features free, what could dating apps do to help you feel safer?

Veronica: That’s tough because I feel like our personal information is already all over the place. That’s the bargain you make when you start signing up for these apps. I know now, when you’re on a site, like the New York Times for example, they’ll show you a pop up that says ‘do not sell my personal information.’ So I think dating apps could do the same if they’re selling data, it would be nice if they did.

Vickie: On Tinder it always shows your location and I notice it doesn’t say exactly where you are, but it does say how many miles away you are from the person that you matched with, which I think is creepy. I don’t want another person to know how close I am to them. It’s a little unsettling of a feeling and there’s no way to turn that off.

Dating apps have access to some of our most personal information (sexual orientation, gender, location data, etc). Do you currently do anything to minimize the information you share with them?

Tinder Firewood

Veronica: I don’t put my job or the schools that I’ve gone to on my profiles. I’ve put the city but I don’t narrow it down to a specific neighborhood. It’s kind of complicated because in this world of oversharing, we’re branding ourselves. The reason we tag ourselves in photos is because we want to let potential dates know ‘this is who I am, this is where I party, this is my vibe.’ We’re so accustomed to sharing so much of ourselves.

Jake: There are certain questions they ask and some of them you can hide the answers from your profile, so I’ve done that with certain things. I’m not going to tell you what company I work at, for example. There are other things that I don’t want to reveal because they’re either giving away a little too much information or I just don’t feel comfortable sharing with complete strangers that I haven’t even matched with they’re just looking at my profile, so it’s mostly been that on my end.

Tinder Fire Az

Sofia: 100%. I hate answering questions like on OkCupid. Even though they were posed as fun questions I got bored after answering 5 and it was maybe 50 questions. All those other paid sites like, you have to give so much data and I never felt comfortable doing that. It’s hard because you can’t minimize the data you share either. You can’t circumvent it at all. You have to give them all of that information and it was the most laborious process for me. If you don’t answer them properly you don’t get “matched” with the right person and it becomes this catch-22.

Vickie: Part of the reason why I’m not on any of the other apps anymore is because they asked so many questions. Hinge has you fill out four different prompts and then Bumble asks you a million questions including your astrological sign. I don’t like the targeted ads and I really don’t like that they’re selling my information. But if I want to date somebody, I’m going to use a dating app. So I don’t put where I work and I definitely don’t put where I go to school. I’m very vague on Tinder, I only have a couple pictures.

Dating apps and privacy don’t have to be mutually exclusive. While there’s still a lot of work to be done in this space, for now, being aware of what’s happening is the best tool in managing dating profiles. To learn more about dating apps and their privacy policies, check out Mozilla’s exclusive Valentine’s Day edition of Privacy Not Included.

Tinder Fire Starter Definition

*The names of the five interview subjects have been changed for their privacy. Subjects were chosen from the writer’s circle of connections. In addition, all the subjects are active on dating apps and have diverse interests as well as backgrounds.